Category Archives: regging

OT VIIIs in the St. Pete Times

Hey, take a look at the article on Mary Jo, Sherry, Geir and Jack,

I guess this about a lot of the folks who frequent this blog.  What a wonderful service to humanity – separating out Scientology from Mestology in the public mind.  My hat is off to all of you.

Golden Age of Reduced Extortion Demands

From day one of the Independence movement, the church has used massive freeloader bills against former staff considering opting for independence.  Some people played the game and were corralled back into the pen.  Other more principled folk refused to accept any bill, insisting they were not freeloaders as defined by LRH, or simply expressing no interest in paying for standing or status in a corrupt organization.

Apparently the latter category of more principled people have proven to be more numerous than the church initially counted upon. Accordingly, the church is now overtly admitting that they have been holding inflated and off-policy freeloader bills over former staff members for years.  According to a recent email from the church a freeloader debt reduction project is now a full time undertaking.  In DM’s signature “arbitraries removed” style, the church is promoting that it didn’t quite dig LRH on the subject for all theses years. Independents – who have for months been advising former staff not to accept inflated, off-policy bills – have evidently brought about the “Golden Age of Reduced Extortion Demands.”

The church’s email offer follows:

From: “Patty Sims” <>

Date: November 30, 2009 Nov 30 3:26:38 AM


It’s christmas and I have good news for you.

You may have heard already about it on the grape vine but I wanted to brief you up in PT on what is going on here at Management as regards to ex-Sea Org members which is very exciting.

With the advent of the Golden Age of Knowledge and since the release of The Basics, we’ve been getting in comm directly with the whole Scientology field to make sure everyone knew of the greatest recovery of lost Tech which took place and which is now changing people’s lives, right, left and center and has doubled the speed of
progress of Scientologist up the Bridge.

By doing so, we found that there were too many ex-SO in the field who were in need of assistance in getting back on lines and had been bugged on doing so.  I’m talking of a lot of people who have worked in the Sea Org and who did contribute to the expansion of Scientology in various ways and who for all sorts of reasons had not resolved their freeloader bill and had not returned to the bridge. Well this is the end of that. I first want to acknowledge you as one of those people who did come on board and did work towards the goals that LRH set out for us to achieve and making this universe a safe space for the Forth Dynamic Engram to be audited out and I want you to know that we’ve made a major breakthrough in resolving this matter.

We did a whole review of the situation and gathered newly all LRH references on the subject of ex-SO members and found the arbitraries which had grown over the years and which are now being removed.  Since then we have been executing a pilot program to review every individual’s billing and the original reasons for departure from the organization. As a result we have been able to assist hundreds of ex-SO in seriously reducing their original billing, thus handling their debts fully and getting them on-Source and on the study of the Basics and back on lines and moving up the Bridge.  THAT IS THE END PRODUCT OF OUR PROJECT HERE. Each person’s situation, contributions, longevity and services received, looked at individually and resolved.

There is quite some work that is put into this sort out for each person and I have just so much time in the day (and I’m getting through my own Basics and going in session too, you know).  I will help anyone who is willing to put some time and effort into getting their cycles sorted out. I will expect that once the sort out is done, then the cycle gets completed. I mean getting the greatly reduced bill paid off and getting one’s own full Basics books and lecture package to have one’s own KSW #1 fully in and to be well on your way to get any needed amends done (which includes helping others to get back on the Bridge with their Basics, too), completing your conditions and MOVING AGAIN ON THE BRIDGE. I’ve gotten a lot of people on the Basics courses and listening to their LRH Congress lectures since this whole program started and I really want this for everyone.

So it’s Christmas and I wanted all of you to know about this handling and I invite you to pass on the good news to others you know and  to write me back if you’re interested in getting your bill and situation reviewed and terminatedly handled.

Merry Christmas to all.

ML, Patty

Anyone who believes the church was prompted in this direction by the spirit of Christmas, or having only found out through the “advent of the Golden Age of Knowledge” is deluding himself.  Independents know only too well how this promotion follows on the heels of many a negotiated deal to steer former SO members back into the pen.

In either event, I recommend that anyone who has any doubt about ever returning to the church go ahead and make a deal. Negotiate as best you can and get the reduced figure put in writing. Whether you pay it or not is another matter entirely. But, at least you will not have a financial gun to your head during the process of sorting out where you are ultimately headed.  If the church attempts to add conditions, like turning on your friends, then you are going to have to make an ethical decision. Since Ethics is purely a personal matter, you should think long and hard about the effects that might have on your own spiritual well-being.

In the meantime, all you Independents who have been there helping out people in doubt, take a win and a bow.  You of all people should know that the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars saved by a lot of hard-working folks was a result of your selfless efforts to help.


LRH wrote a despatch to someone at ASI when I worked there in the early eighties. He commented that one cannot win an argument with a psychiatrist. That is because right when you have the psych cornered, he simply says “you’re crazy” and that is the end of the argument.  DM is losing huge. How do we know? He has been reduced to sending little “OT VIII”  harbingers of evil tidings around L.A. to call Mary Jo Leavitt “psychotic.”  You think they have the cajones to say it to her face?  Of course not.  You don’t think there is any coincidence he’s accused me of  being a “fucking lunatic” on the record through Tommy boy? And when fourteen more stood up and corroborated the facts, all Tommy had to say was “Marty has a habit of collecting lunatics.”  They are desperate, man. Why?

What has been happening out in the independent field for the past nine months has had huge effects within.

Do you realize it is a virtual certainty that nobody has been beaten up at the Int base since June 21?   One of Miscavige’s first moves when confronted with the public revelations about the Hole was to close it down. He killed two birds with one stone. He moved International Management into his $75 million palace; and now he has minions writing perjured declarations that that is what it was intended for all along.  Of course, he has not had to rub elbows with what he considers the riff raff because Miscavige has largely kept himself out of the country to avoid the media, law enforcement, and other motivators. But, it doesn’t take much to buy a person who has been effectively held captive in a torture chamber for years. So, before long you’ll see other testimonials from visitors who have seen International Management’s posh quarters and a bunch of smiling faces behind the desks. I suspected this would occur, and it is one of the reasons I didn’t get too excited about all the demands that I go get law enforcement to raid the base and free the slaves.  Law enforcement would have arrived and seen a Chinese restaurant where the numbers racket normally operates.

A lot of people have received repayments and refunds with little hassle this year. Yes, the Church has been attempting to make people sign gag orders in “exchange” for r/r’s but those who listened to sound advice refused and received their money anyway.

Millions of dollars in freeloader debts have been canceled. Many families have been reunited because the Miscavige regime has made deals to prevent people from becoming independent.

Long-term creditors have been paid off overnight.

PI’s are being withdrawn too rapidly to be orderly.

For the first time since LRH passed away millions of dollars have been spent on Scientology ads.  The campaign was launched on 15 May, exactly five days after the St Pete Times phoned Tommy asking to interview DM.  You can hardly click on any site making mention of the word Scientology without being bombarded with ads.  You might get the idea this is bad as it directs more potential victims into the belly of the beast. I doubt it. DM has the doors to the orgs welded shut with his exorbitant prices, suppressive finance systems, and creepy programs to take PEOPLE out of the dissemination cycle.  In the past couple months I personally have gotten three brand new people onto the independent Bridge because they happened across my blog while investigating the subject more on the net. When you talk truth on the subject, including not withholding or lying about what is going on with the church, it is almost impossible not to interest someone in the subject.

I have had people thank me for advising they take a strong stand that justice be done when to their surprise they found cycles they could not sort out for decades magically come right with the church.  They apologized that they couldn’t stand with us – but swore lasting friendship (albeit secretly).

Every person who stands up represents perhaps dozens who will be treated more humanely,  at least temporarily. I am sure that many of the people Mary Jo Leavitt reported on as being abused and ripped off by the church have already been made whole by the church. Not out of a sense of justice but to cover DM’s derrier.  And so Mary Jo and Sherry and Steve and Dan and Marriet and Shannon and Hiro and Christie and Cathy and Roberto and Damaris and Jim (and all fourteen who spoke out during the summer) have helped hundreds if not thousands of  people. They may never be thanked by the vast majority of people they helped.  But, I know what they have done and the ripple effects they have created and want them to know they are appreciated.

It is almost amusing to see people get all worked up about coups, and org boards, and moving in and taking charge. Why bother? DM and his minions have been largely working on our agenda  for the better part of the year.  I can  tell you on just about any given day where DM’s latest Boy Friday Tommy Davis is and what he is doing.  And I don’t have to hack reservation computers like he does to find out. We cause it. Sure, they continue with their criminality, and their reg tactics and squirrel tech are reaching new unprecedented lows (that is tough to change as  is inherently what they are about).  But, don’t lose sight of the fact that they’ve been forced take their boots off of the necks of many individuals.

While he has spent more than ten million dollars (conservative estimate) trying to keep the story local to Tampa Bay, Miscavige is busy churning out internal propaganda that he is under one of the greatest attacks from the forces of evil because of Scientology’s “unprecedented expansion.”  He figures he’ll get away with that Big Lie and weather this storm like he has so many others in the past.

Don’t fall for it for one second. I have seen the cycle repeat numerous times. When the heat is on he acts like little Lord Fauntelroy who never did anything wrong in his life (except maybe not save enough ailing doves).  The second the heat is off, he pulls off the benevolent “religious leader” mask, and announces in his best Jack Torrance, “Hello dear, I’m hoooooooooommmmeeee!” And it is hell all over again for everyone within striking distance.

While you all should take a win for all the individual people who have been helped, do not fall for the cosmetic – ad hoc basis – reform. In fact, it is no better than the flip side of the mafia protection racket.  Organized crime creates the threat, then protects the victim from the threat, for a price.

IAS 25th – DM has made zero ethics change

Last night at St Hill

Last night at St Hill

I listened to the IAS event last night – within an hour of its conclusion. I have a number of observations based on the words of David Miscavige.

First, all the exposure about his socking away hundreds of millions of dollars into IAS has resulted in him coming out with a new dead agent caper.  He is now having IAS sponsor certain “Ideal Orgs” in areas of political significance:

“So, there you have it, three new IAS sponsored Ideal Churches of Scientology at the very pivot points of this planet.” (Rome, D.C., and Brussels)

He doesn’t say how much IAS ponied up, but you can rest assured DM is very uneasy about his hoarding of nearly a billion dollars becoming public.

Second, Miscavige’s 25 year recap of IAS was a continuation of the myth that the IAS had a single thing to do with overcoming attacks. He went so overboard as to suggest that IAS is EVERYTHING, to the exclusion of international management and RTC itself:

“Let’s take a good, hard look at how we arrived at today.  Its all because who we are as the IAS. New orgs, new A.O.s, the top of the Bridge itself. Omit the IAS and there’s none of it. So, yes in a very real sense it is the IAS and ONLY the IAS that ensures the Bridge remains pure in the face of darkest suppression and in the most important cultural centers of earth.”

Next time an org rips you off, breaks up your family, or commits out tech on your case try giving IAS a holler and see what happens.

Third, Miscavige continued to fraudulently assert that Scientology has inherent enemies that threaten its very existence just because of its core practices:

“Because of the nature of what Scientology is, it WILL be opposed by the status quo, the power elite, and those who abhor the thought of freedom for another. So it has been, so IT IS.”

What Miscavige has not told his followers is that the only attacks for nearly twenty years have been on account of his own personal abuses, his off-Source and criminal counter policies, his ordered insane regging practices, and his personally executed out-tech. For the past six months I have been witness to his having spent many millions of dollars to suppress the truth of the source of attacks from being published and aired.

Fourth, Miscavige used the affair to propagandize that to “abandon”, “betray”, or “lose faith” in him would be to lose Scientology.

“Because we never took our eyes off the ultimate prize, we stand where we are today. Twenty-five years of magnificent accomplishment, and more than that a future more glorious than we could ever have imagined. And all because we have never abandoned each other, because we have not betrayed one another, because we have kept faith with one another, because we have been true to one another, because we know we are in this together, because shoulder to shoulder, now and forever, we are the IAS.”

You can take it to the bank this is a plea to the high rollers (including TC and JT who sat in the front row taking all this blather in) to “not listen to natter” about der Fuehrer.

None of what we have covered so far constitutes the biggest crime Miscavige has perpetrated and perpetuated. In my view the most destructive thing he’s done is to convince Scientologists to continue to contribute to his plans to force Scientology upon populations by converting the very “power elite” whom out of the other side of his mouth – in the same event – he warns will always be one of Scientology’s biggest threats.  He has managed to take a subject that LRH created and bequeathed to the common man in a bottom up effort to improve the planet and turn it into an elitist, materialist, top-down corruption that will “become public policy with a simple hand shake” (and no doubt handsome greasing of palms).  Read his description of the IAS sponsored new, improved, Ideal, Founding Church of Scientology of Washington, D.C.:

”And while it is still situated in and among foreign embassies, one hundred and seventy four of them to be exact, what rises today at 1422 Sixteenth St is seven stories of 21st century Scientology. The design is classically American and exactly what you would expect of our new church in the heart of the U.S. Capital. And make no mistake it is as elegant as any address on Embassy Row. After all, diplomats and decision makers will soon be formally introduced to Dianetics and Scientology, very much including the LRH beginning library…And lest you need be reminded why this is an IAS sponsored Ideal Org, let’s not forget that a decision made in this town can effect the lives of billions…After all, here is where our human rights initiatives, our drug free world, and Way To Happiness campaigns can become public policy with a simple hand shake.”

Miscavige has confirmed suspicions he first sewed in me in late 2003. At that time he told Tom Cruise in my presence: “I wouldn’t mind (George W) Bush becoming our Constantine*. I mean, he’s dumb as a rock, but he has no problem at all enforcing his stupid decisions no matter what anybody says.” You think he doesn’t get it that Scientology cannot be enforced on somebody against his or her own determinism?  I think he gets it.  I believe he has no intention of forwarding Scientology for any other purpose than his own personal aggrandizement.** And the way he is pursuing it , unchecked, will only result in the subject’s demise. It is a good thing more and more folks ain’t cottoning to his notions anymore.

* “Was Roman emperor from 306, and the sole holder of that office from 324 until his death in 337…The reign of Constantine established a precedent for the position of the emperor in the Christian Church. Constantine himself disliked the risks to societal stability, that religious disputes and controversies brought with them, preferring where possible to establish an orthodoxy.[200] The emperor saw it as his duty to ensure that God was properly worshipped in his empire, and what proper worship consisted of was for the Church to determine.”  – Wikipedia

** aggrandize: 3 : to enhance the power, wealth, position, or reputation of <exploited the situation to aggrandize himself> – Webster’s on-line dictionary

25th Anniversary IAS Event – The Greatest Woe on Earth

P.T. Barnum* would be proud…



*Phineas Taylor Barnum (July 5, 1810 – April 7, 1891) was an American showman, businessman, and entertainer, remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes and for founding the circus that became the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. His successes may have made him the first “show business” millionaire.[citation needed] Although Barnum was also an author, publisher, philanthropist, and sometime politician, he said of himself, “I am a showman by profession…and all the gilding shall make nothing else of me,”[1] and his personal aims were “to put money in his own coffers.” Barnum is widely but erroneously credited with coining the phrase “There’s a sucker born every minute.” – Wikipedia

Sherry Katz – Another New OT VIII Declares Her Conscience

Sherry Katz with her daughter

Sherry Katz with her daughter

In support of Mary Jo Leavitt, whom I consider to be a friend and whom I’ve known over the years as a trustworthy, hard working and totally dedicated Scientologist, it is time I stand up and declare my position.

My “stats”: New OTVlll(attested 2003), GAT Class IV(uninterned), Flag WUS OTC member 13 years(1994-2007) while also Pasadena Org OTC member 2003 till 2007 , IAS WUS Membership Committee Chairman 1995-2000, Founding member OSA gung-ho group “Jewish Scientologists for Religious Freedom” having been part of an investigatory mission in Germany under OSA in 1993, IAS Patron with Honors plus ($140,000 in donations total), Vol 0, Vol 5, 3rd Class Missionaire, Fully Hatted Interned Supervisor, Fully hatted and Gold Sealed Examiner, Fully Hatted and Gold Sealed Dir of Validity, Fully Hatted Course Administrator, FSM, Pasadena Ideal Org contributor over $40,000.00, Pasadena Org staff (Tech Sec) Jan 2007- June 2008(incomplete 2 ½ yr contract), 36 years a devoted Scientologist.

After writing extensive Knowledge Reports on the situations within the current Churches of Scientology delivery orgs and management orgs, and after doing extensive research looking for answers where none could/would be found internally, I feel it is my duty to make it known that I cannot, in good conscience, any longer support the current management of the Church of Scientology. I am hereby exercising my right to relinquish my support to what has become a suppressive, abusive entity. I am also exercising my right to Freedom of Speech. It is stated beautifully by LRH in The Creed of the Church of Scientology :  “We of the Church believe that all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.”

While there is much to the back story of how my decision came to pass, not the least of which were my experiences at Flag and the Freewinds after my New OTVlll attest in 2003, I thought, for simplicity’s sake, I would include one of the KRs I wrote. This one especially sums up the scene at the local Class V org level after the Basics release in June of 2007. I was on staff at the time as the Tech Sec of Pasadena Org in Southern California . This report was written while I was in progress on a much more extensive 65 page report that I later sent to ten different uplines terminals.


RTC for Admin                                              cc: ED INT
RTC for Tech                                                   COB RTC

Tech Sec Pasadena
Sherry Katz

Knowledge Report
Re: The Basics

Dear Sirs,

As we are now almost a year gone by since the release of the Basics and due to the increase of attacks on the Church, I find that I must write up some observations and situations that may be of interest and may also be contributing to the enemy lines.

The reference that most comes to mind about attacks is from KSW #1 where LRH states, “Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are “no results” or “bad results.”

Here is what I have observed and experienced.

1)      for months up until about 3 months ago, calls were coming in at all hours of the day and night, sometimes as late as 1am in the morning from staff calling to sell the Basics. I personally received about 5 calls a day or more even on my cell phone which number I have only given to a few individual staff members and was not for public broadcast. I had many public who were not pleased about this. Some actually changed their phone numbers, others got angry, others simply would not pick up. At times, I had trouble getting the PCs to pick up the phone when I called as they thought they were going to get into a reg cycle on the Basics. The staff who were calling came from everywhere: orgs, upper orgs, CLO, OSA, etc. I noticed that PAC BASE staff looked tired and stressed. At Pasadena Org, CLO staff like the A/Tech Aide and the Greater LA Programs chief  visit our org to specifically sell Basics to the staff and/or public while our org was suffering and is still suffering badly and is in need of help from management(I’ve written a huge report on this separately and sent up lines)

2)      Our Outer Org trainees that we’ve sent to Flag, (________and _________) are being used, along with other outer org trainees, to do call in for the Basics after their study time, violating HCO PL “Technical Training Corps”. Then they have been too tired to study and move slowly, also violating “Student’s Guide to Acceptable Behavior”. We have had the parents of both of these trainees calling our Qual Sec wondering what’s going on. The intention is supposed to be that our trainees go and come back quickly and that exact point was a selling point to get our org to fill their IGNW 29 B complement: that our trainees would get through their programs fast, fast and fired back to the org.  Our Qual Sec (SSO HFA) has been writing telexes about this and CSWs to get it stopped.

3)      My Class Vl Auditor, _________ who also doubles as the C/S in our org was called on her cell phone which she had by her bed one Friday night in case of an emergency with her daughter. At 12:45 am she heard the phone ringing and picked it up thinking something was wrong. It was one of the MAAs from the AO who wanted to sell her another set of the Basics. (my auditor) was dead asleep getting ready for a morning session the next day and after 10 minutes of the staff member refusing to let her go back to bed, she got angry. The next day, Saturday, I received a verbal order from I believe our ED or OES stating that (_____) was to report to the AO Chief MAA right away that minute. On asking why, there was no explanation. (____) was set to take a PC in but called AO to find out what it was all about. She was simply told that she HAD to come in right then. Instead of violating the Auditor’s Code, I had her take her PC in, write up her folders and finish the C/Sing and then go to AO. Once she got to AO, she told me that she was reprimanded for “being rude” to the MAA on the phone at 1am but that the bottom line was another long reg cycle to buy another set of books for her sister, the AO wanting her to use money she has on account for auditing to do so. She refused.

4)      A week or two after the Basics came out, I had an ASHO F tour come in during the day when I’m not on post. This occurs often that WIAC inspections and such are done in the day by ASHO F tech personnel when I’m not present. At any rate, my supervisor, (_____) was given a cram for a) not having PRO TRS course addendums attached to the PRO METERING course checksheets, stating to (my supervisor) that “you have to think with it” and that it’s “KSW 1” and b) for a person on the Dianetics Auditor Course(I believe a new person) having not been briefed on and sold the Basics. Both of these points are in direct violation of LRH policy “What is a Checksheet”(let alone the RTRC approved course specification of the addendum)and how to run a Division 6 courseroom (at our org the academy, basics, co audit and Div 6B courses are all collapsed). The person who wrote the cram was (_______)who is an ASHOF theory sup. In addition, another “cram” point was that (my supervisor) had a question on there being no addendum for the 0-1V Certainty checksheet(we had a student on it) The ASHO Sup states in the cram: “She(my supervisor) has no students on Academy Levels except one on 0-IV Certainty who is on the B and L Course, but who was not given an addendum because the addendum does not state it is for the “Certainty Course” specifically. I corrected her on this by referencing KSW #1”.

My supervisor told me that the ASHO F tour went ahead and attached Pro TRs addendums to our Pro-Metering student’s checksheets and to the Pro-metering blank checksheets in our filing cabinet. The “correction” for the above supposed outpoints given to my supervisor by the ASHO F sup was cramming on KSW 1, Tech Downgrade, Tech Degrades and Cutatives.

I telexed up the lines about this until the Sr. C/S WUS did indeed acknowledge that Pro TRs addendums were not meant for PRO METERING checksheets and acknowledging that  the next course Level 0 had all the prerequisites listed.

5) In a time when the pressure to get 10,000 Solo auditors on OTVll is at it’s highest and getting public to Flag a top priority and getting people through OTVll of vital importance, I have become privy to public that are being registrated and/or told that they have to/should buy Books and Lectures packages with their intensive money (extra Books and Lectures packages..not for themselves) esp. ones that are doing ethics cycles. A case in point is (________) who finally went down to finish her OTV and got into some kind of ethics cycle and was told by the MAA(I don’t know whom) that in order to get out of Liability she had to buy Books and Lectures packages. All the money she had was her money for her intensives. This she ended up spending on Books and Lectures packages.(which she is still trying to sell)  I personally received a phone call from her while she was at Flag asking if I knew anyone who wanted to buy a set from her. Her husband (____) and my ex husband (____) are good friends and (____) was not quite happy about this. In addition, there is no where in policy that states that an MAA or Ethics Officer should demand something in particular for someone’s Liability formula and insist they do a particular thing and not let them through their condition until they do so. Also, our PSS , (____) told me that on her recent last refresher, that she was registrated to buy Books and Lectures packages and use her Pledge intensive to do so and that it would be acceptable to not have her pledge intensive if she used it for Books and Lectures packages. (____) had no other funds to buy them with. There are a number of cycles like this that I’ve come across but the specific names I forget at the moment.

The main point of all this is that the vital Basics evolution that has, on one hand produced such spectacular results as I’ve ever witnessed in 35 years as a Scientologist, has, on the other hand,  turned into one big Stat Push by definition and policy, with crush sell techniques and the “selling” is not being done per LRH policy…the caring part appears to have gone out and it APPEARS that we as staff are only concerned with GI and getting stats up.  And this point I think is a major point that can especially be pushed by those who seek to cause unrest and spread enemy lines.

At any point where LRH policies are neglected (like What is a Checksheet) and crush sell techniques are used and the public see tired staff(how can staff study the Basics when they haven’t gotten enough sleep) and where management and staff are off post doing other things(like selling Basics), you get a “bad result” situation that can be used to fuel other non survival fires.

The above is true.

Sherry Katz Tech Sec Pasadena Org

NOTE: A permanent record of Sherry’s declaration of independence is on record at

New OT VIII Mary Jo Leavitt Blows the Whistle

MJL2_Oct12_2009 - large

September 29, 2009

To: Reports Off RTC Int, Keeper of the Tech FSSO, Keeper of the Tech FSO, CO CMO Int, CO CMO FSSO, Data Files FSO, ED Int, CO OSA Int, PR Aide OSA Int, Legal Aide OSA Int, Int Justice Chf, I & R Chf HCO Int, President CSI

From: Mary Jo Leavitt, New OT VIII

Copy: HCO FSSO, RTC FSSO, OTA Officer Int

Dear Sir:

This package contains a collection of reports and policy references documenting the continued widening divergence between the present Management of the Church of Scientology International and many, if not all of its corporate entities, from the technology and policy laid down by L Ron Hubbard. These violations are as witnessed by myself, directly. This report, containing as it does the exact LRH references and violations of those references that I have observed, has its deepest roots in one HCOPL in particular:
HCOPL 7 Dec 1969 Iss II THE ETHICS OFFICER HIS CHARACTER, especially the section on SUPPRESSIVE REASONABLENESS, in part which states:
“When an exec starts to explain the “reasons” for low stats instead of working to get high stats, he is being reasonable. . . . Reasonableness is suppressive since it lets oppression continue without action being taken. Suppressive reasonableness is a common trait. It comes from THE INABILITY TO CONFRONT EVIL. Evil takes a bit of confronting. People who want desperately to “have no trouble” often won’t confront and handle trouble. . . . an E/O doesn’t want somebody in circulation in a group or a society who commits crimes. The job of the E/O is to disconnect and depower the criminal and so protect the group. The criminal, the SP (same thing) is TRYING TO GET EVEN WITH PEOPLE. That’s his common denominator. He does it by covert omissions or overt violence. . . . An E/O can be used by an SP (with false reports or stupid orders) to needle and hurt a group. The duty of the E/O is plain. Follow policy.” For the last 2+ years I have been reporting outpoints in the following areas:

1) The “Ideal Org Program” and push by Int. management on fund raising activities instead of dissemination and delivery of Dianetics and Scientology services, causing the shrinkage of the field and organizations. In addition to this, there has been a complete bypass of local management by CLOs. Also a violation of Gung Ho Groups by “running” OTs and OTCs on these fund raising programs. The following documents illustrate a widening divergence between the actions of Scientology management and LRH HCOPLs and HCOBs:
KR to COB November 29, 2008 “Disappearance of OTC Network in Latam”;
RTC Response 15 January 2009;
KR on D/OTA Officer Int (M.B) 2 December 2008;
RTC Response 8 January 2009;
Correspondence with RTC Reports Officer – (between February 1, 2009 and February 17, 2009);
Letter to ED Int, 7 August 2008, point # 2;
Response from ED Int, 20 August 2008;
2007/2008, 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 OTA Program;
Emails from OTA IC Int Office since start of 2009/2010 OTA year.

2) The IAS and its illegal and off‐policy registration. I have reported interviews I have had that are filled with invalidation, nullification, squirrel use of LRH ethics tech and outright violation of LRH finance tech. Lately this organization has completely taken over the Church as all SO members are “double‐hatted” as IAS regges when in fact they are off‐post and off‐hat, neglecting their actual duties. Use of squirrel ethics tech to force parishioners to donate or else they are considered enemies or with “enemy lines.”
KRs written:
November 26, 2007, TTSB, IAS interview/Reg cycle by IAS Reg IAS WUS (TB) & Flag MAA (M.V.);
July 25, 2009, Knowledge Report on Snr Dir I&R CLO WUS (L.K) and CRO CLO WUS (K.M);
July 27, 2009, Copy of Knowledge Report on Mary Jo Leavitt by Snr Dir I&R and CRO CLO WUS;
September 29, 2009, False Report Report on Snr Dir I&R CLO WUS and CRO CL O WUS;
September 20, 2009, Knowledge Report, Out tech, Abuse of Position ‐ IAS Reg IAS WUS (T.B), Snr MAA CLO
(T.L), Snr. Dir I&R CLO WUS (L.K), Snr. HAS CLO (C.), CO ASHO Fdn (J.L)
6 August, 2009, Copy of HCO Summons;
14 August, 2009, Copy of Pacifica Base ED 275;
29 September, 2009, KR on Chief MAA FSSO (S.L)
31 July, 2009, M.P. Public, selectee, KR when IAS wanted to get her off course due to membership status (for full sit with public, see below a nd attachments) . Also reference the ED Int letter, dated 8 August 2008, point number 2.

3) The push on “Basics” to the exclusion of other Bridge Services and some of those courses are in fact advanced OT hatting courses and making them “mandatory” has resulted in study tech violated.
Reference ED Int letter, dated 8 August 2008, points number 4 and 5.
Also reference Major Targets of all OTA Programs for past three years.

4) Off policy handling of OTs – such as forced donations to get through eligibility, continuous mandatory meetings and even Executive Directives issued where OT VIIs, VIIIs and OTAs are expected to move to their “next level of IAS status.” This is legally extortion by definition.
Ref: f extortion: n. 1. The act or an instance of extorting. 2. Law; the wrongful taking of a person’s money or property with his consent but by the use of threat or violence or under color of office. 3. oppressive or illegal exaction, as of excessive price or interest. 4. anything extorted. ‐‐Syn. blackmail. (The Random House College Dictionary, Revised Edition). Also invalidation of OTs who are upstat and disseminators because they were not on fundraising full time or following CLO’s orders to fundraise for the Ideal Org building.
See the following documents:
Ethics Chit and correspondence with correspondence and goldenrod, FSC WUS, dated 30 Jan to 1 Feb 2008;
Letter from Valley Org, dated Sept 19, 2008;
Comm from IAS Reg WUS (K.R.) and later email from Qual Clearing Officer ASHO (L.N) dated September
KR on LAF FCS (C.T) Treason – Hats Not Wearing
All emails from FSC LAF (C.T) regarding mandatory meetings to give money to the IAS;
Reference ED Int letter, dated 8 August 2008, point number 1.

5) I have reported a situation in Caracas, Venezuela, of a selectee of mine (public) being owed money for the rent of the Caracas org location (her house) about which she and her family have written numerous reports as well. This is an 8 year cycle of a financial irregularity and a harmful act towards this family and it also puts the church at risk. Furthermore, I have written up other reports regarding financial irregularities in Latam and to my knowledge and information, these persist.
See the following documents:
KRs written by J.P. public; CSW to IJC dated September 25, 2009 and attachment of list of all KRs
written since 2001;
KR on ODD, Mexico, on Financial Irregularities sent December 5, 2008;
RTC response to that KR, dated 7 December 2008;
Message from public OTA (S.J) to all ICs 9 September 2008 with notes from SO member (B.S)
Building Expansion Chief EUS regading hatting on how to get credit and sell assets.

6) Enclosed 12‐page report is a list of “Hats not wearing” on the part of the Church Management that I have observed in the last 3 years with increasing and major frequency. This, in effect, places the Church Management in a condition of Treason. (Multiple LRH references are included in that list that also apply to this cover letter.)

To the OTA Office, enclosed are my 3 OTA pins for the 3 MVs I attended. The current program is a violation of multiple LRH references, particularly the following four points: Ideal Orgs, IAS, Grades PCs to Flag and Basics push (see “hats not wearing” KR attached for references violated). OTAs are now being used and abused by Management ordering and running what should be a volunteer activity; and the spirit that LRH intended for OTs, as described in references such as HCO PL 3 December 1968 “Gung Ho Groups Policy Letter #2”, is ignored and actually opposed. I cannot continue to be listed as a member of this off-policy activity.

There is a pattern of continuous misapplication and even reversal of tech and my reports and efforts to communicate this have not created a change or even resulted in a response that duplicates these issues as outpoints; or where RTC has agreed the reports have value, they assume it is handled when it is obvious that such is not the case; or they accept verbal reports from other CMO and CLO terminals that give false assurance it is handled, and then RTC tells me to let them know if it is not taken care of. This is not wearing their hat, for me to confirm if something is resolved. If they were wearing their hat, they would need personal confirmation that all the issues were resolved; therefore I know this “RTC reports line” is not operating as it should. Often I hear of these outpoints referred to as “Command Intention” and “KSW”; I have recently become a target, referred to as “a disaffected OT with enemy line” (see KR on September 20, 2009 Knowledge Report Out tech, Abuse of Position). This communication comes from Sea Org Officers and Middle and Upper management.

The Purpose of the Sea Org is to Put Ethics IN on the planet. What I am describing above is a long‐term record of OUT‐ethics situations by the current SO management in creating an ever-increasing  gap between actions ordered and enforced through the lines and the ideal scene as set down by the  Founder, L. Ron Hubbard in the course of his leadership. That divergence has reached a critical level threatening to destroy what LRH intended to establish.

This is unacceptable to me; I see it as a gross and dangerous perversion of LRH technology‐‐ Ethics, Tech and Admin.

As a Scientologist, I cannot remain a part of this group.

This is true,
Mary Jo Leavitt

PLEASE GO TO TO REVIEW A COPY OF MARY JO’s Hats Not Wearing report on RTC and International Management. The packge of cover letter and Hats Not Wearing Report will also be permanently available there.

"Command Intention" propaganda used to extort money

In a Guardian’s Office Order, since converted to an OSA NW Order, LRH explained a propaganda technique used by the enemies of Scientology. It is called propaganda by redefinition of words. Here is an example, you take early 20th century Mental Hygiene practices such as electroshock, pre-frontal lobotomy, and ice baths (used in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and the United States to curb dissent) and try to make them palatable by calling them Mental Health.  Some detractors have argued LRH implied it should be used in dealing with enemies. But no one has ever argued to my knowledge that it could be construed LRH advised it be used against Scientologists by the Church. Yet, that is precisely what is happening in the Church today, in spades. The Church has gone so far south that it is now using propaganda by redefintion of words against its own public to extort huge sums of money out of them for no exchange.

It revolves around the redefinition of the term “Command Intention.”

Please see the following email text currently issuing from the Church to “OTs” in the LA area:


1st target: $10 million DONE

2nd target: $8 million DONE

Next Target $4M Needs to be done by October 18th!

There have been 7000 donations to the IAS in the last ten weeks in the WUS!!! There have been 400 New Statuses!!! Have YOU had YOUR interview?


Notice the generic “Command Intention” as the anonymous source of the order to herd in more marks. Former Sea Org members know that Command Intention is synonymous with LRH intention. That is what the term is understood to mean in LRH Flag Orders, LRH despatches, and LRH tapes. Over the past several years “Command Intention” has taken on an entirely different meaning. Command Intention now means DM’s intention.

When it was pointed out to me by an OT VIII in good standing that the public understands “Command Intention” to refer to LRH intention, I started comparing notes with some former Int base staff to reconstruct how this redefinition came to be.  It is a pretty twisted narrative, but worth recounting as it sheds more light on how far off Source Scientology has strayed.

During the nineties and during this decade Miscavige regularly swaggered around the International Headquarters base (and less frequently the FSO, FSSO, Upper Middle Management, and CLOs) with an assistant in tow, recording virtually every word he said from the minute he got out of bed till the minute he secured.  Miscavige could never constrain himself to do an on policy inspection wherein all orders are made to the senior of the area IN WRITING. Instead, he simply barked out orders to anyone in his path all day long usually accompanied by an SRA (severe reality adjustment) or two, and a convoluted explanation of his intentions. A pool of secretaries were employed in his office who did nothing all day long but transcribe the tapes of Miscavige barking orders all day long. This included hours long rants. More often than not, a transcript of a particular rant to a particular staff member began with Miscavige directing he or she approach something in a particular way, then Miscavige would spit out stream of consciousness style  series of different ways to approach it. A good percentage of his transcripts are documentation of Miscavige cross ordering himself.  Miscavige employs another pool of staff who distribute these transcribed orders to the staff the orders were issued to orginaly with arbitrary deadlines by which they must be applied. All echelons of executive between Miscavige and the ordered staff member are hounded with orders nudging compliance.

The madness is compounded by the fact Miscavige often gets on a hobby horse and lectures the same staff member for an hour or two for days on end. By the time Miscavige  is done with an area he has contradicted himself so many times it is anybody’s guess what is the correct direction to take.  It is further compounded by the fact that Miscavige might come in days or even weeks later and order the precise opposite of what he originally ordered. It is further compounded by the mindless and incessant nudging the ordered staff member recieves by echelons of “executives” between COB’s secretarial staff, RTC,CMO INT, EXEC STRATA, CMO GOLD, GOLD EXEC STRUCTURE, etc. Unlike what Miscavige has done with LRH orders, he has established no ways or means to cancel inapplicable, stale, or plain insane Miscavige orders.

Many an executive of Gold, CMO GOLD, CMO INT, Exec Strata and RTC has been shot from guns by Miscavige for “cross ordering COB” by pushing an order of COB.

Many an executive of Gold, CMO GOLD, CMO INT, Exec Strata and RTC (and FSO, FSSO, CLO’s, etc, ad infinitum) has been shot from guns for “black PRing COB” for trying earnestly to get an order of COB done.

To contradict himself all day long is a handy op by Miscavige. If something fails, he can point to the transcript where he said to do it another way. If something succeeds he can point to a portion of some transcript that seems to align with what was done. It is the perfect Service Facsimile, he is always right and just about everybody else is always wrong. To everyone else, it is like living in a gigantic implant station.

Over the years executives at several echelons learned a method of survival in this world gone wild. The method gave limited protection (slip and slide room) from getting annihilated for “cross ordering COB” by pushing COB, and gave them some horse power to try to get whatever they decided to get done done despite it being contradicted by so many known COB orders. The method was to say, “get it done damnit, it’s Command Intention.”  It was a great way to stay out of the cross hairs of the many investigators rolling back “destructive orders” and “black PR of COB.”   The executive under interrogation could honestly say, “I never said that order came from COB.”

Another use of “Command Intention” for higher echelon execs was to protect COB from the black PR some of his psychotic orders might engender toward him. On many occasions I relayed COB orders to the assembled executives at CMO INT, CMO GOLD, GOLD, OSA, and other venues by lying and saying it was my own order. I picked up on the “command intention” op other execs used as covered above and used the term as a  means to protect COB from the repercussions of having issued a wing nut order. Others have shared with me similar experiences.

Well, apparently all this has rolled down hill and public OT’s conned or coerced into becoming IAS Reges are now getting the same treatment.  Only at that level it is probably more pernicious. At Int, Miscavige so dominated every aspect of life (down to requiring his psychotic rant transcripts be Method 9 word cleared) that it was a given “Command Intention” meant DM. The realization of that fact lead to the final decision to leave the SO  by many whom I have spoken with.  At public level there is enough separation to leave the impression “command intention” still connotes LRH.

In the case of the IAS the use of the “command intention” op is particularly fraudulent. Public are being given the impression that forking over tens of millions of dollars to IAS is LRH intention.  You ever wonder why IAS never produces a promo piece with an LRH quote about the importance of the IAS? LRH probably never even heard of the IAS; and if he did it was a lie about how it was simply an international membership with a nominal fee (which it was till LRH died; the never ending, escalating statuses at great expense to the public came later).

The lie is furthered by a steady stream of lies communicated to public Scientologists with great fanfare:  the oft repeated myth as to what the IAS has done in terms of protecting the Church.  Many an event presentation has credited the IAS with being integral to winning the 1985 Battle of Portland. The IAS did not do a single thing to contribute to the Battle of Portland. The IAS has been promoted as being integral to the 1993 IRS exemption the Church received. The IAS did not contribute a single dime – not one thin dime – to the twelve year war effort that led to exemption.

It is not LRH intention for anybody to deposit a single penny into the coffers of IAS. In fact, it is quite contrary to  LRH intention as covered in HCO PLs and other writings on donations and memberships.

The church of Regology

Please see the email below from the OT Ambassador I/C Int to all OT Ambassadors. Note the outpoints. That “War is Over” event was Miscavige’s “I did it all” propaganda. His egoism knows no bounds. “This was the monumental turning point for the church and was the point that ensured we have a church.” Quite the contrary, once exemption was attained Miscavige decided HE had a church to have his own way with.

OT Ambassadors, whose original stated purpose was to drive people on up to OT, have apparently been reduced to being IAS reges. Did you know there was not a single justification for the continuance of the IAS as an entity after October 1993 and exemption? It was founded for the purpose of ensuring Scientology could withstand the IRS. This personal hobby horse of Miscavige’s had accumulated somewhere on the order of three quarters of a billion dollars by 2005. He forbade it disbursing anything but minimal funds for handling attacks. And yet that is precisely what the money was donated for handling. Now they have FCS’s and OT VIIIs – sixteen years after the fact of its irrelevance – diverting donations for services to move people up the Bridge to send to Miscavige’s slush fund.

Notice how the OT Ambassadors are to “organize the call-in” and are instructed to “so let’s get with the Field Control Sec and be in coordination on this.” DM cross ordering Div 6 by way of public converted into reges for his personal slush fund. It doesn’t get much darker than that.

September 21st, 2009


Graduation this week is going to be incredibly special as all orgs on the  planet are going to watch the IAS Victory – the  IAS 1993 “War is Over” Event. This was the monumental turning point for the church and was the point that ensured we have a church.  You have all been issued new quotas for the IAS to be completed before the October 15th IAS International Event.   You are to fund raise for your quota after this event.

You are to organize the call-in and get everyone in the field in for this
event. It will do a lot to revitalize the field for sure.

So lets get with the Field Control Sec and be in coordination on this.

I need to know you are gathering the troupes so write me back that this is underway!!!

This is the most exciting time ever ever in the church.

I am expecting excellent results.

Ml, Maggie OT Ambassador I/C Int